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Earth from Space

About STEM Life Path

The world needs more women in STEM careers. But how can you become something that you don't know exists? That's why we built this website.

Our Vision

We want to light a fire in your belly. We want you to get so inspired by the tales of stereotype-busting, curiosity-seeking, adventure-loving, passionately hard-working, and even some glass-ceiling shattering women on this website, that it opens up a whole world of possibilities and Life Paths for you. We've seen what STEM can do for individuals, communities, and the environment. What's your spark? We're ready to help you get there, and promise to believe in you until you are ready to believe in yourself! 

Environmental Scientist
Scientist Using Microscope

Our Mission

STEM Life Path exists to help INSPIRE more young women to seek out careers rooted in science, technology, engineering and math, by enabling them to EXPLORE the stories of other women who have found exciting careers in these fields, and CONNECT with the resources they need to get started on their own STEM Life Path. 

Our Team

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Linda Buck

Founder and Visionary

STEM not only changed my life, it inspired me to capture and share the stories of amazing women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math with the world.

"Small acts of kindness can change the world." My career began by teaching C Programming for the University of Washington Extension. When one of my students decided to leave her job at the University's Applied Physics Laboratory, she recommended me for the position. Thankfully my STEM background and degree in Chemistry was all it took to begin my career at this world class oceanographic research institution (I am forever grateful to my student for her kindness). Some years later at an outreach event, I met Dr. Rebecca Woodgate, who holds a BA in Physics and Theoretical Physics from the University of Cambridge at Christ's College, and a Ph.D. in Oceanography from the University of Oxford. When I asked her what it was like to walk those hallowed halls, someone yelled out, "Hogwarts!" That's the moment I realized I was surrounded by approachable, extraordinary women--every single day at my work. And that is what inspired me to embark on "STEM Life Path," an inspirational role model project to encourage more women to pursue careers in STEM.  I grabbed onto STEM and hung onto it like my life depended on it--because it did. Today I am fortunate enough to be able to give back and change lives, one role model at a time. That is my passion, my goal, and my fervent hope.

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Anuscheh Nawaz

Aerospace Engineer
and Catalyst

I'm a resourceful, down to earth person with a proven track record in research, technical project leadership, vision, and collaboration. While my roles have often been integrative or systems oriented, I enjoy digging deep to understand a problem. This background, along with my experience in aerospace engineering, was an excellent match for the STEM Life Path team, as it enables me to expand my area of impact.

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Relaena Sindelar

Communications and Outreach

Since 1995, I've been working across a wide range of industries to provide common sense solutions for marketing and communications. I love helping organizations and businesses craft their story—from initial strategy to define and understand the audience, to targeted messaging that captures their attention—backed by solid marketing tools to deliver the message effectively.

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